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The Loxley Health navigator service supports patients to find the right doctor and receive the best treatment advice

We provide expert, impartial, clinical recommendations and care support with a core focus on cancer treatment from initial diagnosis through to recovery, improving outcomes whilst reducing costs





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You are looking for the

right doctor

Register with Dr Loxley  and submit your health  questions for our team

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Access expert clinical opinion

Your case is reviewed by our  clinical team who will work  with you to find the best care

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Experience the best 

collaborative care

We support you on your health  journey with clinical advice, digital  health tools and screening services


Supporting your Health Decisions

Getting the right opinion early in a healthcare journey is important
For routine conditions, the expertise of the treating doctor has a major part to play in a getting the best outcome 

Dr Loxley directs you to the right care with doctors we trust

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A Clinical Network you can Trust


We have created a network of expert doctors combined with the latest technology which can direct you to the best doctors and treatment options.


They will support you on your health journey ensure you get the world-class advice and treatment so hopefully no matter what the healthcare problem, you will get the best outcome. 


Which Specialist should I See?


Working out who is the best person to see for a health care opinion is difficult.


As medical practice becomes more complex and sub-specialised each condition may need a different doctor.

For complex conditions like cancer care, several doctors need to collaborate to deliver the right treatment plan. 


How do I find them ?


Patient ratings are great and may give you some feedback but  but may not tell you who is the best surgeon for a certain operation or the best doctor for an opinion about cancer care.


With Dr Loxley, we give you access to our network that is based on decades of our teams’ experience and clinical data.

How can I have confidence to make the right choice?


We do not accept any payment from other doctors for referring patients to them. We don’t charge other doctors for being on our list of specialists and we never will. In fact, the people we rate highly don’t even know they are on our list – we refer patients to them because they are the best clinicians we know.

Get Started

Dr Loxley was developed by a group of doctors in London who wanted to deliver first class healthcare globally using the transformative power of digital technology.


Working with clinicians at the top of their respective fields globally, we believe in providing access to care of the highest quality to patients around the world. This means that your health is being expertly managed, wherever you are.


Contact us to get started

Thanks for submitting!

London - Opening Hours

Monday-Friday: 8am to 7pm

Saturday: 9am to 4pm

Out of hours 24/7 - +44 (0) 020 3887 5466


+44 (0) 020 3887 5466

The Disclaimer

We make every endeavour to find you the best care based on our extensive clinical expertise. We are not claiming that every case in medicine goes perfectly, or that every patient treated gets a stellar outcome. 
We are not claiming that the doctors we have on our list are the only good ones in the UK – that is clearly not the case and there will be hundreds of great doctors that we have never met
We don’t claim that all patients we refer to our colleagues will be completely happy – unfortunately medicine just isn’t like that. If you don’t like the person we refer you to for whatever reason, we will find you someone else.

What we do say is that the recommendations we give will be made in good faith on the basis of personal experience or on opinions of other doctors that we trust, and that the doctors we refer to have years of experience in their respective fields of expertise and excellent reputations for patient care.

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